A clear and comprehensive estate plan can be one of your greatest gifts to your loved ones. We assist our clients in creating all kinds of estate plans, from simple wills to complicated trusts. After we evaluate our client’s financial and medical situation, we help them pick the best options in light of tax and other consequences that might not be obvious. We also assist our clients with planned giving. Finally, because we believe that a good estate plan includes preparation for a person’s eventual need for medical and personal care, we also offer our clients advanced directives such as powers of attorney and appointments of health care representative.
The firm provides a broad range of estate planning services ranging from advance directives to gift giving techniques, including individual and charitable, the preparation and implementation of a variety of trusts, to basic Wills, as well as detailed and complex credit shelter, QTIP, and disclaimer Wills. We discuss with our clients their needs and desires and try to recommend the appropriate documents to achieve their goals, taking into consideration any estate, inheritance, gift and income tax consequences. We strive to prepare documents to carry out the intention of our clients which are written in clear and precise language. Our attorneys regularly attend estate planning and tax institutes to keep abreast of any changes in the law as well as planning techniques that may occur.